Small Animal
8:00am: A Review of Cardiovascular Radiography - Dr. Allison Lee
9:00am: A Review of Pulmonary Radiography - Dr. Allison Lee
10:10am: Abdominal Imaging in the Vomiting Patient - Dr. Allison Lee
This 1-hour lecture will cover the radiographic appearance of the stomach and small intestines, with a focus on various causes of vomiting. Ultrasound of the stomach, small intestines, and pancreas will be reviewed, and common radiographic and sonographic abnormalities associated with these organs in vomiting patients will be discussed.
11:10am: Seizures and Epilepsy - The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly - Dr. Patrick Roynard
1:00pm: Integrative Neurology: When the East Meets the West to Help You Walk Straight - Dr. Patrick Roynard
2:00pm: Cryotherapy Lecture and Demo - Bailey Surtees
This presentation will begin with a brief overview of the century's long history and use of cold therapy for treatment of diseases and tumors. We'll then discuss the principles of minimally-invasive cryoablation, the mechanism of ice formation within tissues, and its modern veterinary applications, especially highlighting its dermal and subcutaneous use for tumor ablation. Several histological diagnoses and anatomical locations will be reviewed with case reports of several patients. We will discuss how carbon dioxide powered cryoablation can be integrated into a comprehensive cancer treatment plan. Finally, we'll explore cryoablation's potential to trigger the immune system.
8:00-9:50am: Bandaging - Cathleen Collier, RVT
10:10-12:00pm: Behavior - Cathleen Collier, RVT
1:00-2:50pm: Exotic Medicine - Cathleen Collier, RVT